e-ISSN: 2448-8062

ISSN: 0188-431X

Open Journal Systems

The human part of the editor as the key of success in the publishing process


How to cite this article:
Rivas-Espinosa JG. La parte humana del editor como determinante de éxito en el proceso de publicación. Rev Enferm Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2016;24(1):4.

The human part of the editor as the key of success in the publishing process

Juan Gabriel Rivas-Espinosa

Profesor investigador, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco. Distrito Federal, México

Correspondence:Juan Gabriel Rivas-Espinosa

Email:: gabrielrivas50@yahoo.com.mx

The research process begins with a series of ideas, which through the scientific method begin to take on a solid structure that allows the researcher to transform and create that series of written pieces of knowledge into a project that moves towards a plausible reality when the manuscript is published in a reputed scientific journal to show and bring to judgment the author’s results and views before the cadre or audience whom these collected data and information are intended to reach, as a product of honest intentions whose end is, in this case, to actively participate in contributing knowledge to strengthen the discipline of nursing, and for the findings to be reflected in daily practice.

Today, Mexican scientific nursing journals have been concerned with establishing effective and efficient communication with authors in order to strengthen the editorial process; so, the necessary strategies have been established for the author and publisher not to look like two separate entities, and for there to be a collaborative relationship that allows the publishing process to move amicably.  

At the second meeting of the Red Mexicana de Editores de Revistas Científicas de Enfermería (Red MERCE), based in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, an expert panel was included where authors, reviewers, and editors involved with the issue How not to give up in the publishing process?, pronounced themselves in favor of strengthening an effective communication chain, where the key issue is to be aware that the work is carried out with people and for people, since the documents represent only one aspect of how complex our humanity is. As such, communication and humane treatment within science shall achieve the goals of the various individuals involved in the publishing process.   

On behalf of myself and my colleagues as authors, it has been very a satisfying experience to collaborate with the Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, given the unconditional and friendly approach by the editor, who by example performs her functions impeccably, through humane treatment prompting the authors to continue publishing and not give up. 


Kindest regards

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