e-ISSN: 2448-8062

ISSN: 0188-431X

Open Journal Systems

The information needs of the nursing professional


How to cite this article:
Romero-Casillas Y. Las necesidades de información del profesional de enfermería. Rev Enferm Inst Mex Seguro Soc. 2015;23(2):63.

The information needs of the nursing professional

Yesenia Romero-Casillas

Coordinación de la Licenciatura en Enfermería, Hospital General de Zona 1 “Ernesto Miramontes Cadenas”, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Nayarit, Nayarit, México

Correspondence: Yesenia Romero-Casillas

Email: yesi67_37@hotmail.com

The Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social offers not only the opportunity to be updated to meet the needs of everyday practice, it also keeps the trade of nursing current on institutional, national and international levels.

In a globalized world, the continuing influence of political, social, economic and technological stimuli should not be left aside. Under such circumstances, the information needs for health professionals and especially for nurses require greater diversity of information in areas of research, information technology and communications, distance learning, health management, hospital certification, quality standards focused on patient safety and management, reports on practical and successful applications of the international patient safety goals and the VENCER II system, and the improvement and clinical results on wounds, ostomy, catheters and breast cancer.

The inclusion of nursing managers in decision-making on matters of budget and costs, leaving aside the empowerment and leadership of nursing, are determining factors to intervene in the substantive processes of this discipline, with a systems approach to care management, human talent and material resources. The value of the presence of nursing at different levels care must be valued, as well as its contribution to solving health and human needs of individuals, families, or groups.

We must also strengthen the thematics for geriatric care, oncology, renal and other noncommunicable diseases. The utility in the diversity of the themes addressed here is reflected in the daily happenings of care to the people we serve, and who have the opportunity to see the beginning, evolution, and outcome of the care process, from the moment the patient enters a hospital unit until discharge, from the person living in their community in a state of health, to advances in maintaining health.

Nursing professionals have much to say about their successful experiences, worthy of being spread, and what better showcase than our Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Dear editor, I sign off not before giving thanks for the outlet to consider my humble opinion in this honorable journal, which you direct.

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