e-ISSN: 2448-8062

ISSN: 0188-431X

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The disciplinary contribution ot the Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social


How to cite this article:
Alba-Leonel A. La contribución disciplinar de Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social. Rev Enferm Insti Mex Seguro Soc. 2015;23(1):57.

The disciplinary contribution ot the Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social


Adela Alba-Leonel


Maestra en Ciencias en Epidemiología y profesora de carrera asociada C, Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


Correspondence: Adela Alba-Leonel

Email: adelaalbaleonel@yahoo.com.mx


The Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social is a reviewed scientific journal that is published quarterly in print and digitally. It is registered in various indices and bibliographic repositories such as Artemis, Lilacs, Cuiden, Latindex, and Ulrichs.

Scientific communication has as its main objective the "registration, evaluation, dissemination, and accumulation of knowledge, facts, and human perceptions".1 In terms of social responsibility, its function is to promote and develop research, and to reveal and communicate it for general use and benefit, so as to produce an impact on the general public, the scientific community, and one trade in particular.2 Knowledge generation involves not only divulging and spreading it; it must also generate an impact, otherwise it's as if it was never published.3

The academic impact has to do with the appropriation that is made of published knowledge in other research in specific academic and scientific circles; this is determined by the number of citations, an indirect way to measure how knowledge contributes to improving the quality of life of individuals, providing specific care to each patient, providing ethical and responsible solutions, and promoting the progress of the discipline.

In 1999, the World Bank indicated that "the approach to development from the perspective of knowledge... can improve the conditions of life, in many different ways..., knowledge allows us to control our destiny".4

From the articles that I have published in the journal, I have been consulted and cited in research papers, theses, and presentations, in nursing and related areas. Therefore, I can say that the Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social meets the great challenge of spreading and disseminating knowledge at international and national levels, and that- judging by the number of citations of articles published in it and the use of knowledge in this and other disciplines – it provides ethical and responsible solutions to the population.

  1. Kircz JG. Scientific communication as an object of science. En: International Workshop by the Academia Europea and the Wenner-Gren Foundation. The impact of electronic publishing on the academic community. Portland Place, London, UK: Portland Press; 1997. [Cited 2014 Oct 9]. Available from: http://www.portlandpress.com/pp/books/online/tiepac/session7/ch1.htm
  2. Ramírez-Martínez DC, Martínez-Ruiz LC, Castellanos-Domínguez OF. Divulgación y difusión del conocimiento: las revistas científicas. Bogotá, Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia; 2012. p. 1-186. [Cited 2014 Oct 9]. Available from: www.bdigital.unal.edu.co/8394/1/9789587613346.pdf
  3. Ramírez-Martínez DC, Castellanos-Domínguez OF, Rodríguez Devis JM. Difusión y apropiación del conocimiento publicado en ingeniería: oportunidad para la innovación. Ingeniería e Investigación. 2011; 31(1 Supl). [Cited 2014 Oct 9]. Disponible en http://www.revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/ingeinv/article/view/27928/33819,
  4. Banco Mundial. El conocimiento al servicio del desarrollo. Washington DC: Banco Mundial; 1999:1-22.[Cited 2014 Oct 9]. Available from: http://www.rrojasdatabank.info/wdr98/spanish.pdf.

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